
APPROPRIATION BILL 2014 Estimates Committees

Jul 24, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (17:13): I would like to sum up this latest estimates process in one word, and that would be 'anticlimax'. I was quite excited about engaging in the estimates process, having scrutinised and analysed the budget papers for a couple of weeks, running through line by line the numbers that affect the good people of South Australia. I have to say that it was very much an anticlimax to see—


Jul 03, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (17:45): This is an appalling bill and I will certainly be opposing the Budget Measures Bill 2014. I implore the government to retract it and to stop this atrocious levy on parking spaces within the central business district of the city of Adelaide.

Appropriation Grievances

Jul 02, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (20:58): I rise tonight to beseech the government and call on its support for funding for a significant project in the seat of Hartley, namely, the Felixstow Reserve master plan. Anyone who knows the area and knows the Felixstow master plan would know that for many years, unfortunately, this part of the world, this patch of grass, has been significantly under-utilised by the community. It is through the great efforts of the Eastern Region Alliance—an alliance of seven councils in metropolitan Adelaide, including: the City of Burnside, the City of Norwood, Payneham and St Peters, the Corporation of the Town of Walkerville, the Campbelltown City Council and the City of Tea Tree Gully—and a significant project called Waterproofing Eastern Adelaide whereby an opportunity has arisen for these councils to work together to better utilise the scarce resources we have, and the most scarce resource is water.

Paradise Interchange

Jul 01, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA ( Hartley ) ( 15:34 :15 ): I rise today to speak about fighting to secure funding for more parking facilities at the Paradise Interchange in and around the electorate of Hartley, which is of great concern to my constituents, particularly in Paradise, Campbelltown and Felixstow, in the northern part of my electorate.


Jul 01, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (12:03): I support the comments of our leader. This is a shameful budget, which has been put out by an illegitimate government, a government with a two-party preferred vote of 47 per cent. It should not have had the right to be in government in the first place. It is a terrible budget.


Jun 19, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (10:32): I would like to, firstly, begin today by commending the member for Goyder for this amendment that he has introduced to the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999. Of course, the member for Goyder has extensive experience in local government. I dare say he probably has more experience in local government than almost anyone here, having been a hardworking CEO of a local council for many years, and he has actually run elections as well, as a returning officer.


Jun 18, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA: I will explain, Deputy Speaker. We are talking about an act which is proposed by the government, and the member for Ashford should probably read the section. It alludes to the Attorney-General, with the approval of the Treasurer, investing any of the money belonging to the fund, which is from the proceeds of crime (confiscated assets) that can be used 'in such manner as is approved by the Treasurer'. It does not get much simpler than that: money from organised crime being confiscated into a general revenue for the government to spend at its discretion. What more can I say than that? It is absolutely outrageous.


Jun 18, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (15:20): I rise today to speak about the Magill Village master plan, which I will refer to as the master plan. It is a multimillion dollar proposal which will transform Magill into a retail, commercial and cultural hub in the near future, once established. It is envisioned that the plan will enhance the Magill and surrounding areas, supporting the needs of the social, recreational, educational, retail and commercial community. It will present a more appealing tourist destination and an overall attractive appearance and experience.


Jun 17, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (17:19): I acknowledge the esteemed contributions of the Hon. Stephen Wade in the other place and my colleagues in this place, the members for Stuart, Hammond, Heysen and Morphett. The member for Stuart correctly highlighted that there are a number of questions that still remain outstanding. It is certainly not my intention to also enter into the committee stage here, but I would certainly echo the sentiments of the member for Stuart and ask that the government do present those answers to the house.


Jun 05, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (17:25): I also speak in support of the bill. As we have heard, in every state and territory of Australia, legislation to some extent similar to this has been enacted which requires people who have been found guilty of certain offences against children to be entered on a register of offenders.