

Sep 23, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (17:25): I rise today to support the Return to Work Bill. I thank the member for Davenport for his extremely valuable contribution. As we have heard today, we will cooperate with the government in regard to this bill and support its passage through this place. As we have heard, there are some things that governments do well and there are other things that governments do not do well, and this is something that this government has not done particularly well whatsoever.


Sep 18, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (17:32): I also speak in support of this bill and commend the bill to the house. I would like to firstly acknowledge the enormous contribution of the Hon. Michelle Lensink in the other place, the member for Stuart and the member for Flinders, and acknowledge the enormous impact that such a bill has on their electorates, having many pastoral leases in their electorates.


Sep 18, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (16:47): I speak in favour of the bill and commend the member for Morialta for instigating it. It is a brief but effective amendment and requires a brief but effective submission, since brevity is, after all, the soul of wit.


Sep 17, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (15:16): I rise today to note serious road safety concerns within my electorate, particularly problems associated with Payneham Road and surrounding roads. I note the recent crashes in the area. Let me just say I acknowledge and welcome the current reconstruction of an intersection close to this road, being the Glynburn and Magill Road intersection, and I thank the member for Bragg who, when I was a candidate at the last state election, rallied and lobbied the current government and the local councils with me to upgrade that intersection. I am pleased to say from all accounts it is on track and looking good.


Aug 07, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (16:32): I rise to also speak in support of the bill and I recognise the eminent lead of the deputy leader. By way of background, obviously it was Liberal Party policy before the last election and the party recognised the lack of community confidence that may exist in terms of suspended sentencing. At the last election we promised to undertake a broad review and reform of suspended sentencing and to limit the availability of suspended sentences. Nonetheless, I will rise to support this bill. It is essentially a tightening of the act to limit the availability for suspended sentences, especially for the most serious of offences. On the house, we obviously did commit a number of undertakings, as I just touched on.


Aug 07, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (10:45): I move:

That this bill be now read a second time.

We are all part of the legislature here, and I believe that we all in our respective communities have a duty to see loopholes in the law, to improve the law across the board and to reflect the community sentiments in laws, as we are part of the sovereign lawmaking body in this state. I rise today to introduce a bill to amend section 6(2) of the Enforcement of Judgments Act.


Aug 06, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (12:56): I would like to thank the hardworking public servants who have composed this bill, and I appreciate that their task has certainly not been easy. I also thank the government for the opportunity to be briefed on the matter. With super tribunals themselves, since at least the 1970s, there has certainly been a yearning for reform of specialised tribunals or decision-making bodies outside of the court system. One only has to look at the Kerr Committee in the 1970s and the Bland committee, which I think it is fair to say resulted in CATs all over the country—many CATs. The SACAT is the last one by the looks of it, after the NCAT, the QCAT and, my personal favourite, the VCAT.

BUDGET MEASURES BILL 2014 Second Reading

Aug 05, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (16:18): My submission was abruptly terminated last time. It was a shame, because I was beginning to get some momentum, but I will aim to close with the same amount of gusto. In summary, this is an appalling bill, and I will certainly be opposing the Budget Measures Bill in relation to the car park tax 2014.

APPROPRIATION BILL 2014 Estimates Committees

Jul 24, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (17:13): I would like to sum up this latest estimates process in one word, and that would be 'anticlimax'. I was quite excited about engaging in the estimates process, having scrutinised and analysed the budget papers for a couple of weeks, running through line by line the numbers that affect the good people of South Australia. I have to say that it was very much an anticlimax to see—


Jul 03, 2014  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (17:45): This is an appalling bill and I will certainly be opposing the Budget Measures Bill 2014. I implore the government to retract it and to stop this atrocious levy on parking spaces within the central business district of the city of Adelaide.