Menacing home invaders are being stonewalled from hurting South Australians as the Marshall Liberal Government continues to boost community safety and security with further record-breaking decreases in crime, the latest SAPOL statistics reveal.
SAPOL’s February crime statistics, released today, show Serious Criminal Trespass offences against homeowners dived by 3,167 incidents over 12 months (March 2020 to February 2021) when compared to the previous rolling year.
In the early hours of February 9, home invaders concealing their identities with balaclavas forced entry into a West Lakes Shore residence and assaulted a 25-year-old man.
The offenders stole the victim’s vehicle. Later that afternoon, SAPOL’s State Tactical Response group located the car, arresting and charging a woman from Largs Bay and man from Taperoo.
“South Australians deserve to feel safe in their own homes and have peace of mind,” Police Minister Vincent Tarzia said.
“The Marshall Liberal Government makes no apologies for cracking down on criminals who think they have the right to storm homes without severe consequences.
“Like those allegedly involved in the West Lakes Shore incident, you will be caught, and you will meet the full force of the law.”
Toxic drug dealers remain critical targets for the Marshall Government and a significant bust on February 15 protected South Australians from the threat of deadly substances.
SAPOL responded to an unconscious woman in a vehicle at Ovingham, uncovering $31,530 cash in a bag, 80g of methamphetamine, 40g of cannabis, a jerry can with clear liquid – suspected to be the lethal drug fantasy ¬– and a safe containing limited edition coins.
“A number of subsequent searches were undertaken by SAPOL and officers located and seized more drugs, drug paraphernalia, prescription medication, bank cards and suspected stolen items including tools, jewellery, electric scooters and high-end push bikes,” Minister Tarzia said.
“Drugs and illegal activity have no place in our community and will not be tolerated.”
SAPOL’s February crime statistics show the state’s overall crime rate is 24,388 offences lower when compared to the same 12-month period a decade ago.
In comparison to the previous rolling year, Total Offences Against Property decreased by 25,624 crimes. A retreating trend in Theft and Related Offences continued with a decrease of 17,224.
Assaults Against Police dipped by 24% while significant reductions were welcomed for Aggravated Robbery (30%), Non-Aggravated Robbery (22%) and Blackmail and Extortion (15%) offences. Serious Assault Resulting in Injury fell 4%.
Property Damage and Environmental offences fell by 13% and Receive or Handle Proceeds of Crime had a 23% drop.
A tiny 1% rise in Total Offences Against the Person is a result of legislative and system changes to the recording of particular offences within the category. It does not reflect an actual increase in offending.