Tuesday 26 September, 2017

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (15:58): Today, I would like to start by congratulating the Campbelltown Uniting Church on the wonderful spring market that they held on the weekend. There was something for everyone at the spring market, be it craft, plants, home-baked goodies, vintage and retro stalls, a quilt display, refreshments, a barbecue, live music in the church, fairy floss, popcorn and face painting. Obviously, the church does a great job in raising funds for a whole variety of causes, and I commend them for their ongoing effort.

Recently, I had the pleasure of attending the amateur league Norwood Hotel Division 1 grand final between Rostrevor Old Collegians and, of course, my old junior football team, the only union I joined, the Payneham Norwood Union. It was a great game, let me say.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Was it a round ball?

Mr TARZIA: No, this is a football.

The Hon. P. Caica interjecting:

Mr TARZIA: 'The rocks', as the member for Colton is pointing out. I would like to congratulate both teams on putting up a mighty effort during the day. Of course, there can only be one winner on the day, so I would like to congratulate Rostrevor Old Collegians', who got the job done; their coach, Adrian Rocco; and also the players, and I would like to list them.

They are: Braden Allen, Daniel McCallum, Scott Gilbert, James Jordan, Mitchell Sutcliffe, Charles Jordan, Tom Hurley, Craig Holm, Tullio De Matteis, Brendan Littler, Ben Jonas, Will O'Malley, Paul Fantasia, Kieran Holland, Sam Jonas, Michael Coad, Oliver Wilkie, Anthony Medhurst, Nick Dinham, Jack Nelligan, Charlie O'Malley, Chris Pahl, Heath Commane, Tim Baccanello and Luke Manuel. Well done to the boys at Rostrevor, and I hope to see them having another successful year next year.

I was also fortunate enough to attend the women's division 1 lacrosse final at Norwood Oval. East Torrens Payneham got the job done and won the prize. I would also like to congratulate them: their coach, Tony Hill; assistant coach, Zoe Le Mottee Robinson; and trainer, Neroli Mills. I congratulate the team: Vics Law, Jo Roberts, Rachel Hill, Kelly Dowd, Karina Camerlengo, Nicky Gardiner, Adelle Martin, Leah O'Reilly, Laura Vickery, Danielle Hunter, Samantha Wessling, Bethany Marks-Mildren, Petra Edwards, Kelsey Hoskin, Abbey Hughes, Jessica Read, Lara Camerlengo and Melissa Holty. Well done to the ladies involved. It was a great day at Norwood Oval.

While we are talking about sport, Deputy Speaker, you can see that I have my Crows tie on today. I would like to wish the Crows all the very best in the grand final this week against Richmond. I have no doubt that the Crows are going to come away with their third premiership victory. Good luck to the Adelaide Crows. I am sure that the whole state is behind them except, of course, for the Richmond supporters.

I also had the pleasure of attending the Madonna Di Montevergine feast on the weekend. Some say, and I am sure it is the case, that it is the biggest Italian feast in all Australia—some say even the world. I would like to especially thank all the volunteers and the sponsors who have put in so much work over the years to make sure that it is such a success. I would like to especially thank the executive committee.

They are: Domenico Zollo, the president; Fedele Catalano, the vice president and public officer; Maria Trajkovic, the secretary; Nicola Zollo, the vice secretary; Michele Piteo, the treasurer; John Placentino, the vice treasurer; Donato D'Ettorre, the public relations officer; Ennio Cavaiuolo, the icon and meetings coordinator; Giovanni Angelino, the liturgy coordinator; Michele Donato, the lottery committee representative; Anna Catalano, the ladies representative; Carmela Placentino, also a ladies representative; Carmine Scalzi, the bar manager; Orazio Tedesco, the grounds manager; and Mario Mignone, the festa banner representative.

I would also like to thank the members of the association for many years of doing a fantastic job at the feast, as well as the many dames of the Montevergine. It was an exceptional showcase of the tradition, the food and the culture, and it was a wonderful day for all involved. I look forward to seeing the feast continue to thrive. It is great to see not only some of the post-World War II migrants who made it out to the feast that day but also the sons and daughters, and grandsons and granddaughters, of those migrants. It is really important that we continue these feasts and these traditions. I commend all involved for another magnificent celebration.