The Hon. V.A. TARZIA (Hartley) (15:17): I rise today to talk about a couple of events that
I recently attended. Firstly, I want to talk a little bit about the Glynde Lutheran Homes. They recently
unveiled a memorial in honour of Adolph and Metha Schulze, the founding family of Glynde Lutheran
Homes in the suburb of Glynde in my electorate. This was established in 1957 by Adolph and Metha,
and the Glynde village now comprises—believe it or not—over 100 two to three-bedroom retirement
homes, spanning well into the electorates of both Hartley and Dunstan. These homes are now home
to hundreds of residents between both seats.
Glynde Lutheran Homes was the first of its kind in Australia to provide both retirement living
and a residential care facility. I think it is now in serious demand. It includes memory support and
palliative care in the same precinct. There is something for everybody there: they even have their
own cafe and their own hairdresser. Can you believe it? They do so well to accommodate the local
Recently, we have seen the Glynde village thrive with people like Barb Hutchinson and others
who take very good care of residents. When I am out and about doing some doorknocking or
delivering a birthday card, I am always pleased to see the very manicured gardens and facilities. The facility really does an amazing job in looking after its residents and keeping the place clean. The precinct even has a community centre where various activities are undertaken. They have outdoor areas and barbecue areas for family visits as well. They have a gymnasium, a library and also an onsite medical centre which provides a GP, a physio and
also a podiatrist—how good is that. Like I said, you cannot go past the hairdresser when you go into
one of the main entrances.
The facility also provides monthly outings. I think it would be a good idea, again, even to
bring them into Parliament House. How delightful would that be. Maybe we could arrange some
scones as well that day, if the catering staff are amenable to it. I am looking forward to maybe doing
that in the new year.
Coming back to the Schulze family, one of the early migrant families, they really gave their
life savings. They were so big in terms of giving back and into philanthropy. They gave their life
savings, their property and literally everything they had to this Glynde Lutheran home facility,
following their passion to ensure that the village and care can continue for generations to come. As
I walk through the electorate over time, they seem to be buying out neighbours and getting bigger
and bigger. It shows that there is demand for this type of facility in our community.
We love having them there as well, and we love engaging with the local community. The
Schulze family legacy continues to live on through the Schulze Cafe, located within the precinct, to
allow those residents to not only bond but also interact with each other and enjoy each other's
company. I look forward to continuing to visit the village and meet with residents and continuing to
see the work that Barb and the team are doing to ensure that their residents have the best retirement
and care in their more senior years.