The Department for Correctional Services’ (DCS) sophisticated offender tracking program will be expanded with an extra 100 electronic monitoring bracelets to monitor offenders re-entering the SA community.
Almost $4 million over the forward estimates is provided in the State Budget 2021-22 to further support the crucial program.
Minister for Correctional Services, Vincent Tarzia, said the movements of almost 1,000 offenders are currently subject to close monitoring by DCS on a daily basis.
“The Marshall Liberal Government is investing in new electronic monitoring bracelets to ensure the whereabouts of offenders living in the community is known at all times, day and night,” Minister Tarzia said.
“Extensive supervision of offenders is a must to ensure the safety and security of South Australians is maintained, and that perpetrators adhere to the strict conditions imposed on them by the courts.
“These state-of-the-art electronic monitoring bracelets work in two ways. They support people to live in the community when the courts have deemed it appropriate to do so, while also meeting the expectations of the community by providing an intensive level of supervision.
“The bracelets and home monitoring units are effective tools fitted with biometric fingerprint technology, enhanced tamper detection capability and are 4G enabled to mitigate the risk of network outages.
“No system is foolproof and those who do the wrong thing face penalties and a return to jail may apply if offenders breach conditions of the bracelets.”
Case management, random home visits, phone calls and compliance checks are other supervision methods used by DCS.
The Marshall Government is dedicated to rehabilitating offenders and supporting them with programs and initiatives for successful reintegration into the community.
A further $1.5m will be allocated in the State Budget 2021-22 to develop a full business case for a new rehabilitation prison. In the State Budget 2020-21, close to $3m was committed for a High Intensity Treatment Program pilot to deliver improved prisoner rehabilitation outcomes.
Overall, more than $200m in additional funding is being spent on upgrades to the state’s metropolitan prison system.