
State of the Economy

Mar 09, 2023  |  speech

Business class trips, social media hits and VIP lists: that seems to be the priority of this government at the moment. I rise today to reflect on the treatment of the South Australian economy under this Labor government.

Ripples Art Centre

Feb 21, 2023  |  speech

Mr Speaker, over the weekend I had the privilege and the pleasure of attending the celebration of a most fantastic milestone for a cultural cornerstone in my local area.


Feb 07, 2023  |  speech

Mr Speaker, over the weekend I had the pleasure of attending a very special ceremony. A celebration marking the 75th anniversary of Sri Lankan Independence.


Oct 18, 2022  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (15:15): Another sitting week and another scandal engulfing this government. As we have heard today: leak 1, significant changes made to project reference design; leak 2, more property acquisition needed near the Anzac Highway and South Road intersection; and leak 3, elevated roadways removed in response to clear community feedback.


Sep 28, 2022  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (15:33): I rise today to inform the house about a much-loved celebration, particularly in my local community of Hartley and indeed the Italian community, which I had the pleasure to attend over the weekend, and that is the celebration of the Madonna di Montevergine.

Sports Rorts

Jul 06, 2022  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (15:30): Mr Speaker, I rise today to address the house on a rather serious issue, one which I’m sure those opposite would be eager to have heard the end of. And that, Mr Speaker, is the Pork-Barreling of over $84 million in sports grants, almost all of which has gone to Labor-held seats.

The North-South Corridor

Jun 01, 2022  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (15:15): Today, I rise to talk to the house on the matter of the north-south corridor. Wasn't it interesting today when I asked the minister to rule out any delays to the completion of the north-south corridor? South Australians have every right to be concerned with the answers that we heard today. We asked about whether there were going to be any delays.


May 19, 2022  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (16:49): A giant of the law, a juggernaut of the Liberal Party, an inspiration to professional women, it is with some sadness that I also rise today to pay tribute to the member for Bragg.


May 05, 2022  |  speech

Debate resumed.

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (12:48): It is an absolute pleasure today to rise to address this place in the time remaining before lunch. Taking us to the break I feel like Jason Gillespie, but I will do my best.


May 03, 2022  |  speech

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (17:42): Thank you, Deputy Speaker, and congratulations on your ascension today. It is obviously the highest honour to serve in this place as a member of parliament. I would like to thank the people of Hartley for once again re-electing me for another four years. I would like to reflect on some of our achievements as a community together supporting each other.