The life-ending and tragic consequences of irresponsible road behaviour must remain at the forefront of motorists’ minds, with authorities renewing pleas for South Australian drivers to stay safe and accountable for their actions.
The latest calls for safer driving and motorcycle riding – to prevent further lives lost and serious injuries – have come at the conclusion of National Road Safety Week, which ended last night.
The eight-day nation-wide campaign was launched by the Marshall Liberal Government, SAPOL, Safe Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH Group), and RAA on May 16 in a show of strength to raise further awareness about road safety.
Road Safety Minister Vincent Tarzia said South Australia was honoured to host National Road Safety Week with the SARAH Group.
“The Marshall Government is proud to lead the fight to reduce the number of lives lost and serious injuries on our roads,” Minister Tarzia said.
“We will continue this battle and remain dedicated to protecting South Australians from avoidable tragedies on our roads.
“With National Road Safety Week fresh in the minds of motorists, we’re asking every South Australian road user to slow down, stay attentive, and make safe decisions. Please just
Think! Road Safety.”
SAPOL Assistant Commissioner Ian Parrott said: “SAPOL has been pleased to be part of National Road Safety Week, which has been an excellent opportunity to continue conversations and momentum on initiatives that can assist to save lives and prevent people from being injured on our roads.”
“However, it’s up to all South Australians to look after themselves and others by driving/riding safely and responsibly on our roads,” AC Parrott said.
RAA Senior Manager Road Safety and Infrastructure Charles Mountain said: “Our display of 977 empty chairs at Elder Park to represent all those who have lost their lives on South Australian roads in the past decade was a tragic reminder of the extent of the carnage we are dealing with.”
“We also placed fatality markers in regional centres to reflect the fact that more people are killed on country roads than in the city,” Mr Mountain said.
“We hope these confronting displays caught the attention of all road users and made them reflect on their responsibility to themselves, their loved ones and everyone else to arrive safely at their destination.’’
Throughout the week, the RAA, South Australian Parliament House, Adelaide Oval, Sky City Casino, Adelaide Convention Centre and Adelaide Entertainment Centre lit up yellow in the memory of the 1,200 lives lost on Australian roads each year over the past decade.
The Marshall Government continues to improve road safety with record investment in infrastructure, the introduction of tough new laws to target dangerous drivers and confronting awareness campaigns to deter selfish behaviour.
The themes covered over the course of the campaign were:
Sunday 16 May - “Remember the 1200”
Remembering those lost on our roads and highways.
Monday 17 May - “Protecting every life”
Care for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, school kids, the aged, families.
Tuesday 18 May - “Take the Pledge – Lead the way”
Lead the pledge to drive so others survive.
Wednesday 19 May - “Save Lives – Slow Down”
Reflecting the UN Road Safety Week theme “Speed”.
Thursday 20 May - “Move over – Slow Down”
Protecting those who protect us by slowing down & giving the space need to stay safe, including emergency workers.
Friday 21 May - “Regional communities count”
Drive so you and others survive in the country and city.
Saturday 22 May - “Share the road”
Give cyclists and motorcyclists the space they need.
Sunday 23 May - “Arrive home safe”
#GetHomeSafe for your loved ones.