Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (15:35): I rise today to provide an update to the house about some recent community events I have held in the seat of Hartley. It has been a busy time. Deputy Speaker, you would remember that last week we were fortunate enough to have a visit from the Hon. Marco Fedi MP, a member of the Italian parliament, the Italian Chamber of Deputies. What a full week it was. I thank Marco for his attendance and for his energy during the course of the week.
One of the events we held was a community forum at the Marche Club. We invited many hundreds of people from our electorate. It was a great opportunity for the community to voice their concerns about issues not only in the local community but also in the Italian community and what is happening in the Italian parliament. It was a great opportunity for Marco to provide some feedback about current issues that exist overseas in his jurisdiction.
We were also fortunate to be able to take him to several businesses in the Hartley electorate, beginning with Il Mercato in Campbelltown. I thank John Caporaso for his hospitality. I also thank the Amadio family from Amadio Wines, another wonderful South Australia business, for their hospitality. That was followed by La Casa del Formaggio. I thank the Cicchiello family for hosting us in the morning. They are all great South Australian businesses that are growing from strength to strength. I also thank Italian radio, which also hosted Marco and me.
On the second night, we attended a business forum held at Italia Ceramics, to which I invited several community leaders, business leaders, especially from the Hartley electorate. I would like to thank Mr Pat Vozzo for hosting us at his facility. It was a wonderful opportunity to discuss trade links between Australia, South Australia and Italy. I have no doubt that great friendships were formed on the night and that much fruit will be borne from that visit.
On the weekend, we had the Madonna di Montevergine Feast just outside my electorate in Newton. It was the Madonna di Montevergine's 60th anniversary. I would like to thank all of the volunteers who supported the feast, as they do year in year out. It was a great day, beginning with a mass and procession in the morning, right until the evening's festivities which continued in Newton.
I would like to especially thank the executive committee: Domenico Zollo, the President; Fedele Catalano, the Vice President; and Maria Trajkovic, the Secretary. I would also like to thank committee members Nicola Zollo, Michele Piteo, John Placentino, Donato d'Ettore, Ennio Cavaiuolo, Giovanni Angelino, Michele Donato, Anna Catalano, Carmela Placentino, Carmine Scalzi, Orazio Tedesco and Mario Mignone. I thank them for the good job they did not only this year but every other year. I also thank the broader members of the association and the Dame di Montevergine, who do a great job.
Recently, St Joseph's School, Tranmere, held its school fair. I would like to sincerely thank all the parents who helped out on the day, as well as the friends of the school, other supporters and students who were present. There were many sponsors who assisted in the day—too many to mention. It was a wonderful occasion. I thank them sincerely for all that they do in our community because it is through fairs like this that the school is able to raise much-needed funds to assist in the overall projects in the community. I was also pleased to be able to contribute and help out through a prize on the day and also through their raffle and auction.
Recently, the South Australian Bocce Federation celebrated its 40th year anniversary, which I attended at the Sicilia Club. I would like to thank Mirella Mancini OAM for the good work she and the federation continue to do. I also was fortunate enough to attend the St Martin's Anglican Church Campbelltown men's group. I thank those gentlemen for the good work that they do in the community in providing camaraderie to fellow people in our area, and it is also a great way to get together with great people and discuss very important topics. Thank you to them for their hospitality.
Finally, I would like to congratulate the winners of the National Premier Leagues Grand Final, the Campbelltown City Soccer Club, who were victorious over Adelaide City recently in a very hard-fought game. I congratulate them.