The Hon. V.A. TARZIA (Hartley—Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services) (11:16): I rise to speak, albeit very briefly, in regard to the Charles Campbell College redevelopment project.
Firstly, I outline that I have been the local member for this area for a fair period of time. I have also been on the governing council of Charles Campbell College for some time now and it has been a very enjoyable role. I want to take this opportunity to thank the very hardworking staff at Charles Campbell College for the good work they do and also the students who, every time you go to the school, greet you in a very warm fashion. I have been the recipient of some very positive treatment there in my time as the member for Hartley.
I have been fortunate enough to have watched various performances, whether it be a play, a musical performance or a performing arts performance. What you have at Charles Campbell College is an excellent showcase in the performing arts area of the curriculum. They are also doing fantastic work not only in what was the old VET space but also in the sporting area. There are some exceptional academic results coming out of Charles Campbell College as well as superb co-curricula possibilities.
As we have heard, the college is located on Campbell Road, Paradise, in the Campbelltown City Council area, which currently is in my seat of Hartley. I note that the college was allocated about $11 million as part of the Department for Education's capital works program, which was announced in October 2017. The Minister for Education and I—I am sure the Minister for Education will allude to this—were recently fortunate enough to have a short tour of the project.
Part of stage 1 involved, I understand, demolition of building 15 and refurbishment of building 16; there will also be refurbishment of the performing arts building 3, including a new entry foyer; refurbishment of building 2, the ground floor, including a seismic upgrade; and also, as part of stage 2, refurbishment of building 2's first and second floors.
I am very proud of the school and of what it has been able to achieve with, you could say, certain aspects of the buildings that are probably due for an upgrade. They are getting that upgrade, so it is an exceptional facility, but it is going to be even further enhanced by these upgrades.
Specifically, the development project will include, as I said, upgrades to key areas. I am sure the Minister for Education will talk to this, but they will bring contemporary learning areas that support 21st century learning pedagogy into the school. They will also build on the creative and flexible learning spaces to enhance student engagement and allow collaborative teaching practices and new efficient facilities on the school site that will replace the ageing buildings.
We are hoping for these works to be completed in late 2021. I look forward to cutting the ribbon with the very hardworking Minister for Education. I thank the teachers, parents and students for making Charles Campbell College the great college it is.