In reply to Mr TARZIA ( Hartley ) ( 13 May 2015 )
The Hon. S.E. CLOSE ( Port Adelaide—Minister for Education and Child Development, Minister for the Public Sector): The Minister for Water and the River Murray has received this advice:
The Lochiel Park Stormwater Reuse scheme has been developed by Renewal SA (previously known as Land Management Corporation) as part of its development of the Lochiel Park Green Village in Campbelltown.
Commissioning of constructed infrastructure has now been completed by Renewal SA.
Renewal SA wrote to all residents in July 2014 to advise of progress towards the connection of Lochiel Park homes to the recycled water system. At that time, Renewal SA confirmed that there would be a 12 month 'implementation period' or testing period in order to monitor the quality and quantity of water in the system.
Due to dry conditions, there have insufficient rainfall events during the implementation period for SA Water to complete testing and allow the system to be fully commissioned.
Renewal SA is in the process of issuing a follow up letter on behalf of all three stakeholders, updating residents on the progress to date of the implementation period, and also advising that the implementation period will need to be extended until at least 31 October 2015 to allow further rainfall events to be captured and assessed. It is expected that SA Water will then connect the recycled water scheme to houses in Lochiel Park if it meets all the requirements for a sustaine d, ongoing supply to residents.