Thursday 01 June, 2017

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (10:53): I rise today to support the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Serious or Systemic Misconduct or Maladministration) Amendment Bill 2017. We on this side of the chamber support an amendment to the principal act because we support the amendments that are needed in order for transparency to take place here in South Australia. We on this side of the chamber stand for open government. We stand to give the ICAC commissioner the power that he needs to do his job, the power that he has asked this government to provide to him time and time again.

What do they say? The Premier is quoted as saying that he wants to avoid a circus in this place. Let me say of the only circus and all the clowns that the ringmaster is the Premier and the circus is the state Labor government because all they are interested in is preserving their term in government. They continue to hide and stifle any progress or transparency in this regard.

It is not about the government; it is not about preserving their term in government. It is about the victims and the families of victims. Think about the families and victims involved in this horrid, putrid saga. We on this side are here to restore faith and transparency and democracy in this state. We will support the families and the victims involved at Oakden and we will give the ICAC commissioner the power that he needs to conduct this investigation. If he wants it to be in public, then so be it. We commend this bill to the house.